Independent Review of Performance on Hort Innovation – June 2018
Independent Review of Performance on Hort Innovation - June 2018
The independent Review of Performance on Hort Innovation has been released today, 22 August 2018. On our website here you’ll find a full copy of the review document and also a download with Hort Innovation’s responses to the review’s recommendations:
The organisation has accepted and responded to all 14 recommendations delivered by the review.
Hort Innovation is keen to thank growers and the broader industry for their feedback as part of the review process, and also to share their commitment and plans to help the organisation continue to improve for the betterment of Australian horticulture as a whole.
Some additional information below:-
Release of the review
* The independent Review of Performance on Hort Innovation has now been released. Hort Innovation has responded to, and accepted, all 14 recommendations of review.
* The review has provided another solid bank of evidence around what Hort Innovation is doing well, and what we could continue to improve. It was also an additional opportunity for our stakeholders to give us considered feedback around how the organisation is performing and what opportunities there are to work better together for the future of Australian horticulture.
* Hort Innovation would like to thank everyone who gave their time, insight and critique of the organisation’s performance, helping shape the review
* You can find a copy of both the review and Hort Innovation's response to the recommendations on the Hort innovation website here:
* Anyone with any questions is encouraged to contact Hort Innovation at [email protected]
More on the review
In December 2017, following a competitive tender process, GHD was contracted to carry out the four-yearly independent Review of Performance on Hort Innovation.
The review is a requirement under the company’s Statutory Funding Agreement (SFA) with the Australian Government, and also an opportunity to gain important feedback on progress and delivery over the four years since the incorporation of Hort Innovation.
The initiatives outlined in the Company response to the review will form an ongoing program of work for Hort Innovation and help to inform the negotiations around the next SFA between the Australian Government and Hort Innovation, in the continued effort to support the productivity, profitability, and competitiveness of Australian horticulture.