New Summerfruit trade project (SF23003)
SAL was successful in securing a three year export project through Hort Innovation to continue the foundations laid in SF19000. The next three years will see some new innovations rolled out, such as:
Modelling of tree growing degree days (GDD) to (i) give guidance on thinning so that small fruit is avoided and to (ii) help predict harvest.
Develop an interactive portal detailing export stats and pricing
Identify key export varieties
Undertake grower study tours to speak with importers, growers & retailers to better understand challenges and recent changes.
Promoting Australian summerfruit at key trade events in Asia and the middle east
Maintaining a representative in Vietnam for the 2024-25 season to provide on-ground support.
Seeking new market access for New Zealand, USA, South Korea and Japan and working with DAFF and other stakeholder to achieve these aims.
Plus more. Read the press release for more details.