Andrew Finlay
Andrew is located South east Queensland’ s trap rock country near Stanthorpe producing all varieties of stonefruit at the Pikes Creek Orchard.
Adrian Conti
Deputy Chair
Adrian and the Conti family own and operate a 100 hectare of orchards in CobramVictoria and near Griffith NSW. The Cobram property has been in the Contifamily for more than fifty five years, and the Griffith property was developed by him and his father, Joe Conti a former board member of SAL which will commence production this harvest season. Adrian’s family grows apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums, apples and pears; all sold for domestic and export markets. Adrian has embraced the challenge to provide a positive representation for growers in relation to the major issues confronting industry; water for irrigation, coping with the present difficult economic times and accessing export markets. Also, importantly ensuring that his generation of growers are kept well informed about the issues affecting the Summerfruit industry as a whole, making for a viable and sustainable future.
Mick Young
Ian Newnham
Jason Size
Jason is a dedicated stonefruit orchardist in the Riverland of South Australia. He currently manages his own, Bookpurnong Fruits and wife’s family orchard, which is now coming into the 4 th generation of family members. Jason’s main activities in the last few years has been in varietal assessment and evaluations for various nurseries and Quality Fruit Marketing P/L. “ In 2004 we saw the need to look more closely at the varieties that were coming into Australia to get a better understanding of their characteristics before considering any large scale planting.” Jason hopes to be a valuable member of the new SAL board as well as a representative from his state association to ensure industry develops in a positive direction.