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State and Regional Bodies

Grower Associations

Swan Hill Summer Fruits Development Association

Cobram District Fruit Growers Association (CDFGA)

Fresh Fruit Growers Association (SA)

Fruit West (Western Australia)

Nardia Shaw
Po Box 7198 Karawara WA 6152

Fruit Growers Victoria

FGV represent the interests of almost 200 fruit growers in the Goulburn Valley and North East, who produce 60% of all fruit canned by the SPC-ARDMONA LTD, 80% of Australian pear production, and a large proportion of other deciduous fruits for domestic and export fresh markets.

Hills Orchard Improvement Group

Bruno DelSimone | President
951 Canning Road Pickering Brook WA, 6076

Fruit Fly Action Group Sub-Committee

Brett DelSimone


Growcom is the voice of horticulture, we are the champion of our members’ needs and we are the hub of the horticulture industry.

We have a core membership of Queensland’s fruit and vegetable producers and we also offer membership to individuals and industries beyond that definition. We provide a suite of professional services. We are here to lead the horticulture industry towards greater success.

Other Associations

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited

HIA is a national research, development and marketing organisation. We work in partnership with the horticulture sector to invest in programs that provide benefit to the Australian horticultural industry.

Farmers’ Federation Australia (NFF)

NFF is made up of State farm organisations, commodity councils, associates and affiliates and is responsible for national issues which affect more than one State or more than one commodity.

NSW Farmers Association

The NSW Farmers’ Association is a dynamic, innovative and voluntary industry body representative of the whole farming community in NSW. Through its commercial, policy and lobbying activities it provides a powerful and positive link between farmers and the public.

Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF)

As the largest farmer organisation in Australia, the Victorian Farmers Federation has around 21,000 members. Formed in 1979 as the Victorian Farmers and Graziers Association, our name was changed in 1986 to become the Victorian Farmers Federation. We are closely affiliated with our national body, the National Farmers Federation.