State and Regional Summerfruit Bodies
Promotes Australian trade to the world
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
The ACCC is an independent Commonwealth statutory authority. It was formed in 1995 to administer the Trade Practices Act 1974 and other acts.
The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in the market place to benefit consumers, business and the community. It also regulates national infrastructure services. Its primary responsibility is to ensure that individuals and businesses comply with the Commonwealth competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws.
The ACCC is the only national agency dealing generally with competition matters and the only agency with responsibility for enforcing the Trade Practices Act and the state/territory application legislation.
In fair trading and consumer protection its role complements that of the state and territory consumer affairs agencies which administer the mirror legislation of their jurisdictions, and the Competition and Consumer Policy Division of the Commonwealth Treasury.
As well as education and information the ACCC recommends dispute resolution when possible as an alternative to litigation, can authorise some anti-competitive conduct, and will take legal action when necessary. We provide a range of plain language publications, most being available on this website.
ACCC initiatives include promoting consumer education in rural areas and with indigenous communities.
AFFA Headlines
Department of Agriculture’s news service.
Australian Exporters assists international companies wishing to import goods and services by linking them directly to Australian companies that export. The information portal also actively encourages Australian exporters to expand their operations as well as providing guidance, news and resources for Australian companies that are considering whether or not to export. More information available on the About Us page of the Australian Exporters website.
Australian Nurserymen’s Fruit Improvement Company (ANFIC)
The Australian Nurserymen’s Fruit Improvement Company (ANFIC) is a National company made up of twelve progressive nursery members. The company was formed in 1983 and is now registered in all states of Australia. It was incorporated in NSW in 1984. The objects for which the company is established are: “To undertake, promote and further the improvement, import and export of fruit varieties and rootstocks to the horticultural industry on its own behalf or on behalf of any member or non-member.”
Australian Horticultural Exporters Association Inc. (AHEA)
The National Peak Industry Body of Exporters committed to the development of the export of Australian Horticultural products, namely fresh fruit and vegetables, edible nuts, cut flowers, native flowers, foliage and nursery. Tel: 03 9210 9380
Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH) Inc.
AIH, with a membership of about 1000, is the peak national professional body representing all horticulturists within Australia. Members own or are employed across all sectors and horticulture including nursery, landscape construction and maintenance, research, media, education & professional development, consultancy, landscape design & architecture, environmental management, parks management and maintenance, hydroponics.
Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Assocation (APVMA)
APVMA is an Australian government authority responsible for the assessment and registration of pesticides and veterinary medicines and for their regulation up to and including the point of retail sale.
The APVMA administers the National Registration Scheme for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (NRS) in partnership with the States and Territories and with the active involvement of other Australian government agencies. Our role is to independently evaluate the safety and performance of chemical products intended for sale, making sure that the health and safety of people, animals and the environment are protected. Only products that meet these high standards are allowed to be supplied. We also do not register products if their use is likely to jeopardise trade or they don’t work.
To ensure that only products that meet APVMA requirements are actually supplied, we constantly monitor the market for compliance. The APVMA also reviews older chemicals to make that they continue to meet contemporary high standards.
Australia Soil Resource Information System
ASRIS provides online access to the best publicly available information on soil and land resources in a consistent format across Australia. It provides information at seven different scales The upper-three scales provide general descriptions of soil types, landforms and regolith across the continent.
CRIS, the Commonwealth Regional Information service, is the Australian Government information service for those living in rural and remote Australia.
Courses Direct
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Department of Finance
Department Of Transport and Regional Services
Export61 is a new national export initiative aiming for global promotion of Australian products and services by providing Australian exporters with access to international markets through e-commerce and the Internet. Export61 offers cutting-costs e-solutions to develop or expand export markets for the Australian business community and provides overseas buyers with all information necessary to make a buying decision and commence trade from initial sourcing of products, suppliers, service providers and/or export related resources to the on-line negotiations, exchange of documentation, arranging supply chain and shipment, and closing the deal. Created as a central portal, Export61 contains searchable self-managed databases of Australian exporters, products and services and addresses most critical areas of export operations.
Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women
The Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women is an independent non-profit organisation whose mission is to resource, empower, research, influence and partner for the benefit of rural women.
Freshcare: The National On-Farm Assurance Program
Freshcare is an industry owned, not for profit on-farm assurance program, established and maintained to service the Australian fresh produce industry. Freshcare is currently the largest Australian on–farm assurance program for fresh produce; proudly providing on-farm food safety & quality and environmental certification services to over 5000 members nationally.
Fresh Plaza
Global news on fresh produce.
Horticulture Innovation Australia
HAL is a national research, development and marketing organisation. We work in partnership with the horticulture sector to invest in programs that provide benefit to the Australian horticultural industry.
Levies Revenue Service
National Outbreak Website
Parliament at Work
A powerful search facility that allows users to search for information about parliamentarians and electorates.
Plant Health Australia
Plant Health Australia is a peak national coordinating body for plant health in Australia. They commission projects and work with members to coordinate the development of national policy and capability to enhance the ability of Australian agriculture to respond effectively to plant pests, weeds and diseases.
South Australian Research And Development Institute
SARDI is a leading research and development institute delivering innovation to enhance the food, fibre and bioscience industries and living environmental systems.