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Industry Profile


In March, 1996, the peach, nectarine, plum and apricot industry established a national representative body called the Australian Fresh Stone Fruit Grower’s Association Inc (AFSFGA) as an incorporated body with a membership of State and regional groups. A major driver for this was the need for a peak national industry body to meet the Federal Government’s requirements for a statutory levy to fund industry research and development and marketing projects.

The levy was approved in 1999 and AFSFGA provided national leadership of the industry based on a Strategic Plan and funding from its levies.

Following a review of AFSFGA’s operations in 2001, and the completion of a new Strategic Plan, AFSFGA was renamed Summerfruit Industry Incorporated (SAI) to reflect the change, for marketing purposes, from “stonefruit” to “summerfruit”,a commodity group representing apricot,nectarine,peach and plum producers.

In 2003 the decision was made to form Summerfruit Australia Limited (SAL) as a company limited by guarantee with a leadership elected directly by its members.

Summerfruit Industry Overview

Summerfruit Australia Limited (SAL) is the industry voice for the betterment of summerfruit (fresh apricots, nectarines, peaches and plums). It represents the interests of the summerfruit industry on a national and international basis. It is the body recognised by government as the peak industry body for growers of summerfruit and has responsibility for the management of the industry marketing and R&D levy expenditure.

SAL works closely with other interested groups, government and supply chain partners to maximize profitability for the industry. It was formed in 1994 as Australian Fresh Stone Fruit Growers Association (AFSFGA), a federation of state organisations, and in August 2003 decided to change its corporate structure to a national company limited by guarantee. It’s leadership is democratically elected directly by growers and it has a national office based in Albury, NSW.

SAL is a communications channel, a lobby group, a provider of technical information and a promoter of summer fruit as a healthy nutritious fruit

SAL holds regular meetings with government and others to advance the industry perspective on important issues, such as market access for Australian fruit, fair access to irrigation water and protecting Australian horticulturists from the risk of exotic pest incursions.

Industry research and development funds are directed through the Summerfruit Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). This committee aligns proposals with the industry developed strategic plan so that investment of grower funds gives the most beneficial results.